願景、使命與核心價值 - Vision, Mission and Values


  • 楓邑願景:成為海內外廠商欲開拓國際市場時,最佳的「代理商」、「經銷商」或「策略合作夥伴」對象。
  • 楓邑使命:建構值得信賴的行銷體系和銷售通路,與供應商以及客戶端一起共創多贏局面。
  • 楓邑核心價值:「人能盡其才,地能盡其利,物能盡其用,貨能暢其流」。



  • Vision: To be recognised as the best candidate for "agent", "distributor" or "strategic partner" to both domestic and foreign companies whom intend to open up and develop the international market.
  • Mission: Establishing reliable marketing systems and sales channels in order to create win-win situations with suppliers and customers.
  • Values: Organising and utilising all resources (factors of production) in the most effective and efficient way.