命名與標誌 - The Corporate Name and Logo



楓邑國際,取「封邑」之諧音,封邑又稱「采」或「采邑」;「邑」字則是與「貿易」的易以及企業總部所在「信義街/芝柏信義大廈」的義同音,同時「邑」又代表了城鎮(Town;-ton),與公司英文名稱「Mapleton International Corp.」相互呼應,符合中英文命名的一致性。

楓邑之盾:企業標誌的設計概念,是參考了古典騎士紋章的「盾徽」,並以公司英文名稱 Mapleton 的開頭字母「M」,進一步結合楓葉意象以及漢字「邑」的形體,合而為一。後將概念付諸予美國一家專業的標誌設計公司進行繪製。並考量到企業標誌應具現代化的簡潔線條風格(包浩斯設計風格),最終由現行的標誌獲選。



The Chinese characters: "楓邑" is pronounced the same as "封邑", which means "fief" in classical Chinese. As two separate Chinese characters, "楓" means "Maple" and "邑" means "Town"; therefore, the company was named "Mapleton" in English in order to be corresponding with its Chinese name.

Shield of Mapleton: the logo of Mapleton International Corp. was initially designed by the company founder. Its fundamental design concept is derived from classical heraldry: "coat of arms". The logo design is further integrated with the letter "M" of Mapleton, the symbol of maple leaf, and the Chinese character "邑", combining all of these concepts together into one modern style corporate logo with clean lines (in line with the design concept of the Bauhaus).