公司簡介 - MPTI Profile


楓邑國際股份有限公司(Mapleton International Corp.)簡稱楓邑國際(MPTI),是一家總部設立於臺灣臺中市豐原區的綜合型國際貿易公司,也是楓采邑關係企業集團(Mapleton Enterprises Group)的成員公司之一。主要業務範圍:除了為海內外廠商所生產之具有特殊性(專利權)或具備品牌價值的產品提供「代理」與「經銷」等服務外,亦兼營「商務中心」,提供中小型商辦、會議室場租等服務。



Mapleton International Corp. (be called MPTI for short) is an international trading company which is headquartered in Fengyuan District, Taichung City, Taiwan. It is also one of member companies of the Mapleton Enterprises Group. The company's main business scope involves: providing "AGENCY" services and "DISTRIBUTION" services for both domestic and foreign manufacturers whom make products which are with a certain level of brand values and/or have some unique features (patent rights); furthermore, MPTI also operates the affiliated "Business Centre" where offer monthly rental services of small and medium sized office rooms, as well as one conference room.


企業總部 - Headquarters of MPTI




  • 建物名稱:芝柏信義大廈(GP Xinyi Building)
  • 座向:座東北朝西南
  • 地址:420003 臺灣臺中市豐原區信義街 60 號
  • 建物登記用途:住商用
  • 大廈樓層:地下 1 層、地上 8 層(含頂層附屬樓塔)
  • 電梯:有(無第 4 層)
  • 樓梯:雙向交叉式安全逃生梯





  • Building Name: GP Xinyi Building
  •  Orientation: facing Southwest
  •  Address: 60, Xinyi Street, Fengyuan District, Taichung City 420003, Taiwan
  •  Building Registration: for both "commercial building" and "residential property" utilisation
  •  Number of Floors: 1 basement and 8 floors (including the top floor tower)
  •  Elevator: Yes (due to "Tetraphobia", the floor number 4 is skipped)


The GP Xinyi Building was designed by the famous Taiwanese architect and also a university professor: Mr. Chao, Chien-Chung (also known as Prof. Bowarch Chao). It became the headquarters of the Mapleton International Corp. since 2014. Originally, this building was named "DiamondStar Xinyi Building", but it has been changed to "GP Xinyi Building" by the builder: GP Construction Co., Ltd. In addition to the Xinyi Building, Prof. Bowarch Chao's representative works includes: the headquarters of the King's Town Bank, Institute of Earth Sciences of Academia Sinica, the Cultural Affairs Bureau of the Changhua County Government, Kaohsiung Municipal United Hospital, Xingchung Branch and Erlin Branch of the Taiwan Business Bank, National Chiayi University Library, Preparatory Office of the National Museum of Natural Science, Teaching Building of the Tunghai University, Teaching Complex Building of the Chung Yuan Christian University, etc.


命名與標誌 - The Corporate Name and Logo



楓邑國際,取「封邑」之諧音,封邑又稱「采」或「采邑」;「邑」字則是與「貿易」的易以及企業總部所在「信義街/芝柏信義大廈」的義同音,同時「邑」又代表了城鎮(Town;-ton),與公司英文名稱「Mapleton International Corp.」相互呼應,符合中英文命名的一致性。

楓邑之盾:企業標誌的設計概念,是參考了古典騎士紋章的「盾徽」,並以公司英文名稱 Mapleton 的開頭字母「M」,進一步結合楓葉意象以及漢字「邑」的形體,合而為一。後將概念付諸予美國一家專業的標誌設計公司進行繪製。並考量到企業標誌應具現代化的簡潔線條風格(包浩斯設計風格),最終由現行的標誌獲選。



The Chinese characters: "楓邑" is pronounced the same as "封邑", which means "fief" in classical Chinese. As two separate Chinese characters, "楓" means "Maple" and "邑" means "Town"; therefore, the company was named "Mapleton" in English in order to be corresponding with its Chinese name.

Shield of Mapleton: the logo of Mapleton International Corp. was initially designed by the company founder. Its fundamental design concept is derived from classical heraldry: "coat of arms". The logo design is further integrated with the letter "M" of Mapleton, the symbol of maple leaf, and the Chinese character "邑", combining all of these concepts together into one modern style corporate logo with clean lines (in line with the design concept of the Bauhaus).


願景、使命與核心價值 - Vision, Mission and Values


  • 楓邑願景:成為海內外廠商欲開拓國際市場時,最佳的「代理商」、「經銷商」或「策略合作夥伴」對象。
  • 楓邑使命:建構值得信賴的行銷體系和銷售通路,與供應商以及客戶端一起共創多贏局面。
  • 楓邑核心價值:「人能盡其才,地能盡其利,物能盡其用,貨能暢其流」。



  • Vision: To be recognised as the best candidate for "agent", "distributor" or "strategic partner" to both domestic and foreign companies whom intend to open up and develop the international market.
  • Mission: Establishing reliable marketing systems and sales channels in order to create win-win situations with suppliers and customers.
  • Values: Organising and utilising all resources (factors of production) in the most effective and efficient way.


發展沿革 - Milestones


  • 2014.07.04 --【楓邑國際股份有限公司】核准設立(統一編號:24586158)
  • 2014.12.17 --【楓邑國際商務中心】正式啟用營運
  • 2016.04.22 -- 台北國際禮品暨文具展(Giftionery Taipei 2016)參展
  • 2017.09.29 -- 經濟部智慧財產局【楓邑國際】標章圖註冊(商標註冊編號:01933352)
  • 2018.04.05 -- 衛福部食藥署(FDA)食品業者登錄字號:B-124586158-00000-8